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  1. Edgar on 11 August 2023

    I’m confused. Shouldn’t “I Said My Pyjamas and Put on My Prayers” be today’s twaddle?

    • Anthony on 12 August 2023

      Hi Edgar,
      You have a point😂This also ties in with your other comment. So many different versions of many songs.

      This is sung as a duet. As well as a solo.
      Martha Tilton and Harry Babbitt.
      Tony Martin and Fran Warren.
      Ethel Merman and Ray Bolger.
      Margaret Whiting.
      Doris Day.
      There is even a Swedish version.

      I have heard them all except for the last one. All on Serenade.
      I think a couple could be in my own music library if I ever find them.

  2. Edgar on 9 August 2023

    It’s just amazing how many versions of each song there are and how many songs each person or group performed.

  3. Edward Marples on 8 August 2023

    My wife and I recently went on holiday to St Peter Port in Guernsey. We knew that Robert Farnon was buried in St Peter Port graveyard and went to pay our respects. We discovered that he is buried next to Ronnie Hazelhurst!
    Later in our hotel we met a total stranger, a Guernsey resident, and in the course of conversation we mentioned our visit to Roberts grave. The stranger then told us that Robert’s son David played the music music at his wedding.
    As I write this Andy Marriott has just played a piece by Robert Farnon and his Orchestra!
    We often go to listen to Roberts great niece Nicola Farnon playing at a venue in Leopold Square Sheffield.

  4. Drew Baxter on 8 August 2023

    After returning from two weeks without internet, lovely to catch up with Radio Heroes – Alan Dell.
    A classy show about a classy broadcaster. Well done Peter Tomlinson and all at Serenade Radio.

  5. Karen on 8 August 2023

    How comes i know the words to ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts? Even the talking bits. I’m not that old! Although my nan did have the record which is where i heard it as a child. More lovely memories . Thank you 🙂

  6. David Purll on 7 August 2023

    Roger, another great programme with the stunning three in a row at the start! especially America with its almost choral ending with such grest basslines …courtesy of the Wrecking Crew no doubt, and many thanks to you for including Judy Collins and Julie Felix. Serenade is interactive radio at its best!

    • Roger Williams on 7 August 2023

      Thank you David. It was a strong start eh? I nearly dropped America because Jeff Owen played it on Saturday. I’m pleased I didn’t though. I never tire of hearing it. Thank you for yor support

  7. Karen on 7 August 2023

    The problem with being on holiday with lots of family members is that they are ruining my relaxing early morning Serenade routine wanting to talk to me! It will be my holiday challenge to educate them in civilised radio listening before i go home. 🙂

  8. Chris Knowles on 6 August 2023


    So enjoyed your programme featuring Alan Dell. My late husband and I always listened. ‘That’s All’ became one of ‘Our’ songs as did’ As you desire me’ sung by Frank Sinatra as the penultimate song on one episode. Though I have Serenade Radio on every day I have never heard this Frank song played. Looking forward to next week. Thank you.

    • Peter Tomlinson on 7 August 2023

      Hi Chris,
      Thank you for your kind comments. I thunk this little series is proving very popular. Do listen to my Sunday programme at 3pm next week you may very well be surprised by my first record!

  9. Martin Rosen on 6 August 2023

    I really enjoyed hearing the new programme by Vic Groves earlier today. A great choice of music – I was even singing-along with some of the tracks in the car as the memories came floating back!

  10. Ted on 6 August 2023

    Congratulations on a fantastic harry james show Friday 4 August evening i started jazz listening to AFN American Forces 1949 run home from school to tune in short wave to Frankfort before it faded got the bug the tune that started the show on the Jack Jackson hour on the BBC 11 O’clock Light Programme started with Carnival brought back Memories as I’m 87. Many Thanks

  11. Kevan on 6 August 2023

    Just to say I really enjoyed Radio Heroes just now. What a really well put together programme about Alan Dell, and really nice to hear that oh so easy presentation style again.
    I am really looking forward to the rest of the series.
    On a point of order, around 15 minutes in mention was made of Ray Moore, regarding him losing 15 minutes of his show to allow Alan to complete his tribute to Glenn Miller.
    If there’s any chance of a second series then Ray, Sir Terry, Jimmy Young and John Dunn surely have to be top of the list.
    Thanks again, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.

    • Peter Tomlinson on 7 August 2023

      Hi Kevan,
      It’s really great to get such feedback on Radio Heroes, thank you very much. Your suggestions have been duly noted. This coming Saturday it’s David Jacobs, be sure to tune in!

  12. David S on 6 August 2023

    Thank you Peter Tomlinson a lovely start to the series Radio Heroes really enjoyed it and looking forward to hearing the rest of the series .

    • Peter Tomlinson on 7 August 2023

      Hi David,
      By the number of responses we have received it seems that this little series is a winner. Thank you for your kind comments, very much appreciated.

  13. Karen on 6 August 2023

    Listening to the dawn chorus with Ed with a mug of tea sitting in the garden of my little holiday cottage in west wales. Perfect. There is a bit of competition from the other dawn chorus though🕊️ Serenade Radio on holiday what could be better.

  14. Mike Matthews on 6 August 2023

    How lovely to hear this broadcast with Alan Dell, have always loved his programs

    • Peter Tomlinson on 7 August 2023

      Thank you Mike, always good to hear from our listeners. It seems we have a struck a chord with Radio Heroes, Do spread the word,

  15. Chris Hitchcock on 5 August 2023

    What a pleasure to hear the dulcet tones of the great Alan Dell on the show Radio Heros. It reminds us of what we are missing on modern day radio, Serenade Radio being the exception. Thank you to all who are involved with the series. I am fortunate to have many of Alaan and Benny’s Sunday afternoon shows on cassette . Golden days as far as I am concerned. In Ireland most of our kind of music can only be heard by by tuning into local community stations manned by volunteers with a great knowledge of their particular genre of music. Please pass on my comments to all concerned. Looking forward to further episodes.

    • Steve in Worcs. on 5 August 2023

      Ahhh, I knew it would be Alan Dell, one of my all-time favourite broadcasters. I was invited to friends for lunch and it “over-ran”. I still don’t have a reliable method of recording streaming audio on timer,(for my own personal use, naturally.)

      I don’t think this slot is repeated, so if it does “appear” anywhere, I would appreciate a web link! Really looking forward to this series.

      • Karen on 5 August 2023

        I think its repeated at 5am tomorrow…might be a bit early for a sunday though😉

      • Peter Tomlinson on 6 August 2023

        Hi Steve,
        Good to hear from you in my native county of Worcestershire. The BBC had the best broadcasters like Alan Dell for many years. They don’t seem to be around any more and it’s been left up to good old Serenade Radio to remind eveyone just how good the Alan Dell’s of the world were. Do join me next Saturday and tell your friends, who like you remember the days of these presenters to join you around the wireless!

        • Steve in Worcs. on 6 August 2023

          Hello Peter,
          Thank you SO much for taking the time to reply.
          I will not allow anything to interfere with my radio listening next Saturday, as it’s going to be gentle fun guessing who is up and coming for the focus of your programme each week. It is a glorious idea for a programme on a station like Serenade, and were I a betting man, I’d wager a few shillings (!) it might include a certain genial Merseysider and avid smoker from early morning radio, who one became confused over a rabbit-duck-fish 😁

          As a boy, I had a relatively lonely childhood, and found incredible companionship is the radio. I still recall, thanks to a gift of memory, the likes of Jack Jackson, Bruce Wyndham, Sam Costa, Charlie Chester, Pete Murray and Keith Skues to name a few. Also Hubert Gregg, and when I left a message on an internet Book of Condolence on news of his passing,I had a lovely e-mail from his producer, Roy Oakeshott, which I still have.

          Alan Dell was very special. His style of positioning his microphone very close to his mouth, and whispering very gently into it was his trademark, but his intros and choice of music, were sublime. When David announced he had passed, after sitting in for several months, I didn’t even know Alan was ill, partly due to a smaller internet presence than now, possibly due to a certain stoicism?

          Really looking forward to this series on my favourite ‘radio’ station, many thanks again.

    • Peter Tomlinson on 7 August 2023

      Hi Chris, you obviously have great taste in radio presenters and quite rightly too. Next Saturday it’s David Jacobs. And you will be pleased to know that Benny Green is in the list too. So keep listening and see if you can get others who share your good taste to join us on Saturday at 5 pm.

  16. Jonathan Summers on 5 August 2023

    Dear Peter, We were thrilled to hear your first programme in the new “Radio Heroes” series this afternoon. Fans of Alan Dell for many years when radio really was worth listening too, we thought that the first edition was first class and put Alan in the place that he deserved – at the very top. Great stuff from all who contributed to the the creation of this one. Many many congratulations! Long live Serenade Radio!
    Jon and Lesley Summers

    • Peter Tomlinson on 6 August 2023

      Hi Jonathan,
      Thank you for your kind words. This series is something the BBC should have done years ago and it could then have been something you could download and keep for ever. Sadly we can’t do that yet on Serenade Radio. Keep listening and spread the word.

  17. Anthony on 5 August 2023

    Ten minutes in and I am already enjoying “Radio Legends” so many names who were important and still are in the evolvement of radio in the UK. And the popularity of music.

    We don’t forget them but sadly many will say “Who?”
    Alan Dell. Superb. I’d be a teenage then. I will take uneducated guess that he did a Sunday Afternoon show. Possibly before being followed by Benny Green. Russell Davies and Desmond Carrington. Or following each other perhaps?

    In time and probably very much later I have memories that Sing Something Simple and Charlie Chester between 4pm and 7pm.

    But even Radio Geeks get things wrong😊Looking forward to the rest in this series.

    • Peter Tomlinson on 6 August 2023

      Hi Anthony,
      Really pleased you are enjoying the series. Mind you with great broadcasters like Alan Dell it is impossible not to like the show.

  18. Andy Logan on 5 August 2023

    Thanks for the spider news Jeff…

    As a veteran arachnophobe I’m now paranoid about going for a pee!

  19. Ian Hall on 5 August 2023

    Another super soaraway Saturday show with Jeff Owen…. Never fails to make me smile with his view on life, the universe and everything. Plus the music is fantastic. Great work, Jeff. Thankyou.

  20. Karen on 4 August 2023

    It amazes me how much emotion listening to Serenade Radio brings out. Just catching up with Dick Fisher as i was out this morning and he played Born with a smile on my face. I had an uncle who played the piano and used to accompany me sometimes when i sang at odd events. Id forgotten all about that song but it was one of our tunes and the last time i heard it he was playing it. He is sadly no longer with us .. but such happy memories brought straight back…. I might need a tissue. !! Thank you for playing that Dick.

    • Dick Fisher on 5 August 2023

      Thanks for sharing such a lovely memory Karen. I often find when selecting music, that I am driven more by the memories that particular songs bring flooding back than their chart success or technical quality. The songs we love the most always have an emotional connection to our individual life stories.

  21. Philip Cartwright on 1 August 2023

    It was great to hear the Banjoliers on yesterday’s ‘Music While You Work’. The last time I heard them I was about 14 years old.

    • Brian Reynolds on 2 August 2023

      I quite agree, Philip. The Banjoliers did more MWYW programmes than any other combination (475 appearances) and I had the honour to be present at their final broadcast in 1982. Quite an experience, I can tell you!

  22. Brian Bunn on 31 July 2023

    Hi Andy, what a brilliant radio station you have made, absolutely love it, so nostalgic, and great to discover so many songs from the 50’s and before, that are new to me, real quality music. My favourites programmes are “Music while you work”, “Sing something simple”, your own weekday morning shows, your Saturday “TV” show, and the Big Band type songs on Monday & Tuesday at 21:00. The music you play is so appreciated by those of us who have become bored with the national and commercial radio stations who just churn out the same stuff, and are frightened to play the songs you play.
    I know you can’t please everyone, but my only gripe is Dick Fisher playing songs from the 70’s, I heard “Young hearts run free” amongst others today, this is the type of stuff played to death on the likes of “Magic” and “Gold” radio ! Please keep Serenade unique !!!

    • Karen on 3 August 2023

      I have been thinking about this for a few days now and whilst i wouldnt want to hear lots of 70s music, or even 60s music to be honest, if you dont listen to anything else other than Serenade the odd 70s track is nice to hear. A little survey i did listening whilst working at home Tuesday and Wednesday would suggest Dick Fisher played 1 70s tune on Tuesday and 2 on Wednesday. It’s hardly excessive… And the important thing is they were decent 70s tracks. I prefer the older stuff but also like that teensy bit of variation. I dont think it detracts from the uniqueness of Serenade Radio.

    • Pat on 4 August 2023

      On the front page of the Serenade website, Andy wrote: “The music on Serenade Radio is the best in easy listening mostly from the 1940s to 1970s. We don’t play music because of its age, we play it because it is worth hearing!”

      Personally I like to hear some of the newer music in the weekly shows, I also really enjoy the Steve James’ and Jeff Owen programmes. I think the variety of shows that cover other period/styles such as the Big Band music, Folk Music, Songs from the Shows, Jazz, Dance Bands, Light Music, Mark Steyn, Music While You Work, Sing Something Simple and specialist series such as Radio Heroes and the TV Show, is what sets Serenade head and shoulders above other stations and all this without advertising!

    • Edgar on 5 August 2023

      I would agree. There are plenty of places to hear newer music but few radio stations sound as good as Serenade Radio (when it is doing a show I like, and that’s not always the case). Never thought I’d say a Johnny Mathis song needs to be “gone, gone, gone”. But Dick Fisher does play so many good sounding songs.

  23. David Purll on 31 July 2023

    Roger, loving the new two hour format whi h seems to be giving you greater opportunity to broaden the programme content. The unexpected folk singer this week was in complete contrast to her later recordings! And thank you for playing Jimmy Webb’s “The Highwayman”; what a great songwriter he is…could you include ” The moon is a harsh mistress” by either Judy Collins or Glen Campbell sometime? Thanks
    as always for a superb programme

    • Roger Williams on 31 July 2023

      David, thank you for your comments; going to two hours does present more challenges and opportunities. I am tempted to push the boundaries a little bit while having the Easy Listening remit of the station in mind. There’s a book by Dylan Jones called “The Wichita Lineman” which I can recommend for insights into Jimmy Webb as a songwriter. I need to get better organised for requests, especially as the suggestions from you and others, is so interesting. I’ll put The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress on the list but it can sometimes take a little while to get new songs onto the Serenade system. Thank you for your interest! Roger

      • David on 4 August 2023

        T hank you for the Dylan Jones recommendation! I’ll look it out. For the children’s sond spot how about Going to the Zoo Julie Felix or Jennifer’s Rabbit Tom Paxton??

  24. Andrew Diprose on 30 July 2023

    Thank you John for your final ‘Music Cavalcade’. As Peter Tomlinson mentioned in his programme, a very worthy successor to the late Desmond Carrington’s All Time Greats on Radio 2 which was a Sunday lunchtime staple for so many. Thank you for the many hours of listening pleasure you’ve given and wishing you success with your new project. I hope it won’t be long before you’re back on Serenade Radio.

    • John Walton on 30 July 2023

      Thank you for your appreciative comments, Andrew, and your good wishes. Desmond Carrington was one of my role models so being mentioned in the same breath is a huge compliment. Had to leave before I got found out! 😀 Seriously, I’m very pleased you’ve enjoyed ‘Music Cavalcade’. Thanks for taking the time to get in touch.

    • Anthony on 31 July 2023

      Agreed. But I said something similar here and to John directly😊 Radio does evolve. It always has. As does the listener.

      But the stations offered on FM/DAB are generally similar. Repetitive. Ignores great swathes of music. Presentation is hyper and cluttered.

      Younger people can be coerced into liking music that is older and unknown. And older people to like newer music.

      We have some very good new artists singing the music Serenade plays. But its difficult to get hold of their work.
      Champian Fulton is one such artist. Its great to see Matt Dusk and Peter Grant on the station. But again very difficult to access their recorded work.

      And some seem to release a couple of albums. Are highly praised and then disappear.
      Long live Serenade Radio.

      • Anthony on 31 July 2023

        I always enjoy the Dance Band Days. Usually listen to the original transmission and the repeat.

        I don’t know why but the programme that aired on Saturday evening was extra enjoyable if that’s possible. I am already set for tuning in again tonight.

        Well done Roger and Serenade Radio 📻

        • Roger Williams on 31 July 2023

          Many thanks for your kind comments! Dance Band Days is very much a team effort drawing on the encyclopaedic knowledge of John Wright behind the scenes. He should take much more of the credit for the show. Roger

  25. Tony & Maggie on 30 July 2023

    What a brilliant programme Cindy Kent presents on Saturday afternoons🌞
    So many happy memories of where we were at a particular time during the 50’s and 60’s.
    Magical, thank you Cindy x

    • Cindy Kent on 31 July 2023

      Thank you Tony and Maggie! My pleasure. Let me know if you would like a request played? Keep spreading the word about the fabulous Serenade Radio!

  26. Steve on 29 July 2023

    Hello Roger,

    Just listening in to Dance Band Days, and I think you were querying the vocalist on Harry Bidgood And His Broadcasters – I Don’t Mind Being All Alone?

    I’m wondering if it was Cyril Ramon Newton, who sang on a few numbers by this band at that time. In one of the internet references, a listing is mentioned in this book: “British Dance Bands On Record 1911 to 1945” by Brian Rust and Sandy Forbes, publ. 1987.

    Many thanks for continued excellence. 😎

    • Roger Williams on 31 July 2023

      Steve, you raise an interesting point. Dance Band Days is very much a team effort. We draw upon the expert knowledge of John Wright behind the scenes and Andy Marriot who produces the show. Andy has a copy of the book you mention which does not list individual vocalists for the number in question. However we do know that Cavan O’Connor, John Thorne and Bobby Sanders were present at the same recording session but there’s no mention of Cyril Ramon Newton. This isn’t to say that you’re not right in identifying him, but we can’t say for certain. Thank you for your interest, which is much appreciated! Roger

      • Karen on 31 July 2023

        Roger i am reading a book called ‘ british dance band days .. the singers and smaller bands’ and i had just got to Cavan O ‘Connor a couple of nights ago. It was explaining he sang under a number of pseudonyms ann then says the reason we dont always know the singer is that an unknown singer commanded a fee of 2 guineas but once they became recognised it was doubled. So they tried to stop the singer being recognised by them not being named or singing under a variety of pseudonyms..a ploy to keep the cost down …. Which is fascinating but a bit annoying now when we try to work out is. Although you probably know all that already … Fascinating to me though as i am just reading it !

  27. Andy Logan on 29 July 2023

    I’ve been looking for a worthwhile Saturday morning radio show to tune into for some time and have just chanced upon Jeff Owen’s slot. This is the one! Good music and a nicely line in acerbic/irreverent chat.

    Congratulations also to Roger ‘Big Man’ Williams for bagging the Sunday evening slot. The quintessence of urbanity.

    (Listening in Tynemouth)

    • Steve on 29 July 2023

      Jeff Owen is a broadcasting gem 😎 The stories behind some of the songs and artists fascinate me, as well as his ‘askance’ view of the world.

      Great stuff!

    • Roger Williams on 31 July 2023

      Andy, Quintessance of Urbanity here! Thank you for following me from the other place and for finding Jeff Owen. Worth listening to Marriot in the morning too. He has an element of mischief about him….

  28. Karen on 29 July 2023

    Steve james… You have just played town talk by ken woodman and the picadilly brass. Do you know if that is 0n an album. I have been looking fot it for ages. ?

    • Simon McLean on 30 July 2023

      Hi Karen, there was a CD that came out about 20 years ago called Town Talk which compiles both of Ken’s 1960s albums, and it’s on that. If you prefer vinyl, it was on an LP called That’s Nice on the Strike label, but it’s not cheap (I spent years looking for it!)

      • Karen on 30 July 2023

        Thank you Simon. I shall look out for the CD because it might ne interesting to hear other stuff by him. But in the meantime a very nice person sent me an mp3 of it. So that will tide me over. 🙂

        • Simon McLean on 30 July 2023

          Wonderful, it’s a great tune – happy memories of listening to the JY Prog!

  29. Brendan Gaynor on 29 July 2023

    Just a quick note to say how sorry I am that the final Music Cavalcade will be airing on Sunday. I absolutely love hearing John Walton on the radio. Thank you John, you have been an amazing friend over the air the past few years and have certainly helped me deal with some difficult times through your knowledge, style and above all warmth. Will really miss you John, best wishes, Brendan

    • John Walton on 30 July 2023

      Thank you, Brendan, for such kind words. If my presentation of ‘Music Cavalcade’ has provided even the slightest support in the ways you’ve articulated, it leaves me feeling both happy and humbled. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the programmes. Thank you for being such a consistent and enthusiastic listener. With warmest best wishes for the future, John.

  30. Edgar on 28 July 2023

    So many good songs on the so-called Quiet Hour but then there is Klaus Wunderlich.

  31. Karen on 28 July 2023

    On the train to Didcot. Standing room only and Dick has played Edmundo Ros and i cant stop my legs dancing about a bit and fellow passengers are looking at me like i’m mad. Can we slow it down a bit till i get there 😂

  32. Karen on 27 July 2023

    Noche de ronda is spanish… Literally means night watchman… Not as romantic sounding in english. Spanish
    is always better in songs. 🙂

  33. Karen on 27 July 2023

    Loved the Hinge and Bracket.. i forgot how funny they were. Thank you for reminding me. I feel a trawl through Amazon coming on…

  34. Randall on 26 July 2023

    Sure wish you guys would add some Donna Hightower into the playlist. Her two Capitol albums sold well in UK in 1959-1960 and she appeared with Ted Heath on his Granada Bandstand program in 1959-1960. She also released a series of wonderful albums in Spain in the early to mid-1970’s. A fine jazz, pop and gospel vocalist. Please add!

    • Andy Marriott on 26 July 2023

      Hi Randall,
      Now this is just weird! Only yesterday I was listening to Ms Hightower and thinking “this is our kind of thing”. Some great big band arrangements and a voice not unlike Dinah Washington. You will be hearing her soon on Serenade.

      • Randall on 26 July 2023

        Kismet! Thanks much, Andy! Don’t miss her standout 1975 album titled “I’m in Love with Love.” Imagine Nancy Wilson lived in Spain and recorded and you’ll get the feel of that album. Donna’s version of the title track “I’m in Love with Love,” (jazzy, soulful, big band with strings) and others like “I Can’t Stop Loving You,” and Gordon Jenkin’s “Good-Bye” are outstanding and so very underplayed. The Serenade audience is going to love her. Thanks and love listening to you guys across the pond here in Austin, Texas.

  35. Karen on 24 July 2023

    Thank you for another great dance band days Roger Williams. You are quite right it really is a special show. I cant decide which of your shows i like best .. its usually whichever i am listening to at the time until the next one comes along. But it seems that every week that goes by i like dance band days more and more. Great show.

  36. Geoff Jones on 23 July 2023

    Thanks Roger for Soft Folkus – you’ve found another excellent radio station. Catch you next week. Cheers.

    • Roger Williams on 24 July 2023

      Hello Geoff! Lovely to hear from you. Hope all is well in your world. Do have a look around at some of the other shows on Serenade there’s some lovely stuff on offer. Regards to Pam too,

  37. Janice Reed on 23 July 2023

    Due to illness,I have only just learned the very sad news about David Corbett.I had only known him since January this year when he sent me his wonderful book “Those were the Days”. We talked regularly on the phone and he often played a piece of music for me on his programme.He was very special and I shall miss him very much.

  38. Pat Fox on 21 July 2023

    I’m a big fan of all things Serenade but I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed tonight’s Big Band Hour with Benny Green and the Johnny Patrick Orchestra, Fantastic music, the real big band sound! I look forward to the rest of the series

  39. Michael Hannon on 21 July 2023

    Wow, the unforgettable Benny Green is back! So sad we don’t do late these days, we are in France and can’t get the app to change times.
    Is there a way round that?

  40. Karen on 20 July 2023

    What a lovely program ‘from the archives’ with John Fox and his orchestra has been tonight. Perfect to relax to after a stressful day.

  41. Anthony on 19 July 2023

    OK…I cannot change my Sunday night’s. I am home more than I am out. There is not much happens on my town. Buses services have been cut back still further.

    So the bad news I miss the extended and change of night for “Soft Folkus”
    But it is good news for a great programme(is there a bad programme on Serenade?)I can’t think of one.

    At least I can check online and see which songs I missed on those sites that show every song played😊
    Benny Green will be a good listen on Fridays at 9pm. I used to listen to him many many years ago.

    Onwards and upwards.

  42. Thomas Ashmore on 18 July 2023

    Hi, I see that some of your programmes have appeared on Mixcloud but not all. Any plans?
    Would be nice and enjoyable. Regards Tom

    • Andy Marriott on 19 July 2023

      Hi Tom,
      Our music licensing doesn’t allow for any kind of “listen again” feature. Any items of our programming available on download or listening sites are personal recordings shared by listeners, over which we have no control.
      Sorry to disappoint you.

  43. clive hughes on 18 July 2023

    I particlarly liked the David Corbet programme because it was largely ‘vocal free’ – as I do not really like vocals it is to be hoped that a similar programme can replace it on Sunday evenings – I know about ‘music while you work’ but the time is not convenient for me

    • Barb.s on 18 July 2023

      If it is instrumentals that you enjoy have you listened to either of the Simon McLean shows. Music Box every day at 1 and Dinner at Eight on Saturdays. He plays some lovely music.

      • clive hughes on 18 July 2023

        Thank you for that – music box time is inconvient but I will certainly give dinner at eight a listen

  44. Andy Marriott, Station Manager on 17 July 2023

    In the last few hours I have received countless messages from listeners concerned that Light Music will no longer be part of Serenade Radio. This could not be further from the truth. The untimely death of David Corbett has, of course, meant that the programme could not continue in it’s present form. Indeed David is a very hard act to follow.
    Be assured, Light Music fans, we are not abandoning you. Please be patient.
    In the meantime Music While You Work can be heard every weekday morning at 9.30, and there’s some lovely Light Music from the archive every Thursday evening at 9.30

    • Karen on 17 July 2023

      Whilst i am sure we are all still reeling at the untimely death of the lovely David, the expertise he brought to SR was immeasurable. I am sure everyone can understand that people like that dont ‘grow on trees’ and that Andy will, as ever, be working to resolve the problem he now has in the best way for SR.

    • Anthony on 17 July 2023

      As long as Serenade radio continues to exist I am not concerned that the quality and variety will change. You play what others have neglected and forgotten bit also find new music that fits into its criteria. Older music does not mean it is old fashioned as it does not mean that everything released today is just noise.

      The problem is that other stations avoid it. I grew up with all kinds of music. I had older parents so I heard music they knew and vice versa.

      But as Stanley Black has been mentioned. I am truly amazed at the volume of music the likes of him were released on record. Also how many orchestras and arrangers were issuing instrumental versions of “Pop” songs certainly into the late 70’s and 80’s. Then stopped.
      All the best

      • Edgar on 30 July 2023

        I’ve made a list of songs I liked a lot and who played them and the name Stanley Black certainly shows up.

  45. Karen on 17 July 2023

    What a brilliant Music While you Work today,… Stanley Black, i shall have to look up more of his stuff, and now Dick Fisher is playing Edmundo Ros and earlier Andy Marriott played Ray Moore. Its my birthday today… what a start to the day. Keep it coming SR .

    • Dick Fisher on 18 July 2023

      Firstly, let me wish you a belated happy birthday! Music while you work is a real gem. A half hour of beautifully arranged and performed snippets of great songs with some of the finest musicians on the planet- yet mostly unsung. No pun intended! Thank you for your continuing support. It’s great to know you are there.

      • Karen on 18 July 2023

        Thank you very much Dick. I had a lovely day. Even the weather held up. I was a late convert to music while you work but now i love it. I even bought a book about it to read more! To be honest there are no bad shows on SR but yours is a particular joy with your ‘smiley voice’… And of course the odd Edmundo track which always makes me smile…And even my husband now tells me stuff and then tells me its something ‘ i didnt know i didnt know’… So your influence is spreading 😉

  46. Anthony on 17 July 2023

    More changes at Serenade Radio 😢but for good reasons for the presenter concerned 😊
    A project that sounds very interesting and impressive involving the writing and/or arranging of music and a script too.

    We appreciate the time given by everyone out of a love of music and radio.

    And sometime in the future I am sure we will hear John Walton again either doing a series of specials.

    Wishing him all the very best.

    • John Walton on 18 July 2023

      Thanks for your kind words good wishes, Anthony. ‘Music Cavalcade’ may be coming to an end but I’m encouraged to believe I can make a small contribution or two next year.

  47. Linda Brown on 16 July 2023

    So sad to hear about the death of David Corbett. Such a genial and knowledgeable presenter. I always looked forward to 7:00 pm on Sunday nights. He was an example of someone doing his job so we’ll you hardly noticed how good he was. A life well lived and surely the world is a little sadder and poorer because of his demise. Just listening now to “Dusk” by ‘ Cecil Armstrong-Gibbs What a fitting valedictory. My best wishes to his family and friends.

    • Anthony on 17 July 2023

      Linda, Like David there is something special about British Light Classics music. It provokes memories. Nostalgia. Emotions specific to it. It also has a quality of its own. Sadly many great composers, musicians and arrangers and a time forgotten.

      Strange that you should mention Dusk. I woke at 4am Sunday morning and was playing a CD of such music and I found that piece did affect me too.

  48. Nick Hingley on 16 July 2023

    I have just heard Peter Tomlinson announce the very sad news about David Corbett – and now coming to the website have seen the announcement on the home page (I often use an internet radio). I loved hearing David’s programmes of music you won’t find anywhere else; and champions of this genre are few today. I heard so many pieces that were new to me – when this music would be heard regularly on the Light on 1500m I was likely tuned to a pirate station! Fortunately, ones tastes and outlook broaden. We have lost a fount of knowledge and a gentleman.
    My sincere condolences to David’s family and friends.

  49. Nicholas on 16 July 2023

    Tuned in for the first time yesterday! Love the mood – terrific music that brings back so many memories. Great to hear Cindy again. Keep up the excellent work!

    • Cindy Kent on 28 July 2023

      Thank you kind Sir!!! Love doing the programme and love Serenade Radio! Help us spread the word about this great station💕

  50. Tony on 16 July 2023

    Just to say thanks again Steve for another superb Sunday breakfast, on the increasingly important ( in a radio dessert for the main) Serenade. Have you on around the house here on the island every weekend. Love your music and presentation. Along with Simon’s excellent Dinner at 8, my fave shows on the station.
    Kind regards Tony

  51. Margaret Mulherine on 16 July 2023

    So sad to hear the news of David Corbetts passing. A true Gent, and so knowledgeable of the kind of music still loved by millions. R.I.P. And condolences to his family. xxx

  52. Cindy Kent on 15 July 2023

    So sorry to hear of the death of fellow Serenade presenter David Corbett. May his family be comforted at this time and may he rest in peace and and rise in glory.

    • Mark Steyn on 16 July 2023

      David had an unmistakeable presentation style and his enthusiasm for the music poured through the speakers. I so loved his show. Sunday evenings won’t be the same without him.

  53. Brian Reynolds on 15 July 2023

    David Corbett and I were good friends for over forty years, united by our mutual passion for light music. He was the author of a 600 page book about conductor, Harry Davidson and old-time dance music in general. He was one of a dwindling number of authorities on the genre of light music. We didn’t get to meet very often but spoke almost weekly on the phone – indeed we had a long conversation on the day before his demise! The “Light Programme” which ran for over five years, was his passion – and it showed!
    I have now learned that David’s passing was a peaceful one – in a coffee shop, whilst drinking a cup of coffee, he just slipped away. May his soul rest in peace! My condolences to his loved ones.

  54. Gary on 15 July 2023

    Very sad to hear of the passing of David Corbett. His light programme is my favourite on Serenade. Rip and condolences to his family and friends.

  55. David on 15 July 2023

    With deepest condolences to you and the family of David Corbett. Such sad news.

  56. Helen on 15 July 2023

    I was very sad to hear of the passing of David Corbett.
    I enjoyed listening to his programmes very much.
    My sincere condolences, thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. 🙏

  57. David Purll on 15 July 2023

    Another excellent programme and thank you for the Richard and Teddy Thompson track.. and thanks to Karen for suggesting it. Also loved the newer stuff and the Harvey Andrews song. Would it be possible for you to include the Julie Felix and Leonard Cohen duet of “That’s no way to say goodbye”? and a version of Jimmy Webb’s “The Highwayman”? And thznk you for the Seekers too! Kind regards

    • Roger Williams on 16 July 2023

      HJello David, thank you as ever for your comments. For reasons that will shortly become apparent I will need the recommendations of you and others to beef up the Soft Folkus library even more than before, The Highwayman is in the mix for a future show. The intriguing Julie Felix Leonard Cohen collaboration is a little more problematic. Do you have details of an official release? I’ve found a YouTube clip of their performance on tv which would need a bit of jiggery pokery to sort out – not impossible by any means, but will take a little time – an official release would be easier. Roger

      • Karen on 17 July 2023

        Ive just seen the schedule for next week Roger. Goodness. Thinking caps on then ! I might start with another of my favourite IEC tunes … Without Lisa. The live version is best as it gives Joseph the chance to show his violin skills to great effect but the album version is lovely too… Although its on a pre IEC album called ‘ On hire by Cole Stacey and Joseph O’Keefe. ‘
        Thank you for playing persuasion by the way. That was a recording of it i had not heard ( the version i had was live) … So double bonus. 🙂

      • David Purll on 18 July 2023

        I have it on an ” unauthorised” cd which i did get legally ! ( from Amazon) It’s from a bbc tvsopresumably the same thing you’ve seen. I think though she recorded it as well as a solo. Strangely she seems tohave been forgotten but was on tv lots in the late 60s. The rest of the cd is broadly bbc2 and radio1 recordings.Hopethis helps

      • David on 18 July 2023

        Found the recording on Amazon we discussed -its on a 5 cd set of acoustic and live tecordings

      • David Purll on 18 July 2023

        Found the recording on Amazon we discussed -its on a 5 cd set of acoustic and live tecordings

